Friendorship: Friendships, Mentorship, Discipleship

FLBC is committed to growing together under the umbrella of Jesus Christ in all 3 of these ways.

The general idea for this discipleship/mentorship is to meet one on one with another individual, to foster relationships within the Church, and to keep each other accountable which will help to refine us. For most groups, there will be an accountability partner to study with. The goal is to keep each other in the Word and in prayer as you do life together. The recommended frequency for this is minimum every 2 weeks, but once a week would be preferable. Also, feel free to meet or communicate more often if that works well for your partnership. This time can be used as you feel led by the Lord, but a guide has been provided to use as a starting place. Discipling partnerships can be time-bound (e.g. for 3 months at a time), or indefinite, as the partners agree.


Accountability with our time, talents, treasures and thoughts is important in our walk with Christ. Sometimes our weak areas are easily found by another person. They can also be hard to talk about without a friendship formed. Here are some sample questions to ask each other to dig deep in these areas. Don’t feel obligated to offer these answers to your partner if that friendship hasn’t been established yet, but at least use them to reflect and ask for prayer in your weak areas. It would be good to do this at every meeting, but you can always text each other daily too!

1. Have you spent daily time in scriptures and prayer?

2. Have you had any flirtations or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts or exposed yourself to any explicit materials that would not glorify God?

3. Have you been above reproach in your financial dealings, or has the way you’ve handled money been honoring to God?

4. Have you spent quality relationship time with family and friends?

5. Have you done your 100 percent best in your job, school or retirement?

6. Have you told any half truths or any outright lies in order to put yourself in a better light to those around you?

7. Have you had the opportunity to share the gospel this week? If so, did you take it?

8. Have you taken care of your body through regular exercise, proper eating and sleeping?

9. Have you allowed any person or circumstance to rob you of any joy?

10. Have you lied to me or yourself on any of your answers today?


Find out what you can be praying about for each other. Use some of the responses from the accountability questions, or things going on in each other's lives if you’re struggling with this. Pray together! Encourage each other to pray in your time apart.


We should be engaged in the Word with each other. We recommend a topical study or a difficult book of the bible. Use scripture to help each other in areas that you’re struggling in or wherever you might possibly need clarity. Maybe you need to dig further into the character of God to understand the scripture you’re working through. You may have a book of the bible or a particular subject that you would like to explore in depth. Whatever the choice is, it needs to be agreed upon between you and your partner and must line up with Truth. It might be a good idea to learn how to use a concordance to study the original text. God’s Word is our plumb line. With any resource you opt to use for research, please verify the authenticity and that it lines up with the bible. Use this committed time to allow God to grow and stretch you. Regardless, His word will always produce fruit. Read together! Pray together!

Our goal and hope is that you grow deeper in the knowledge of God’s word while getting to know one another on a deeper level. May God richly bless each and every one of us as we embark on this journey to draw nearer to Him!

If you are interested in finding a partner for discipleship, please fill out the form below or contact FLBC leadership in another way, and we will help you find a partner to study with! Thanks, and God Bless!